11 Useful Google tips and Tricks you must know in 2021

Google is so big and inside it, you get every little information of the entire universe and the biggest information too. You cannot even guess about Google how widely it is. Most of us use Google for only searching purposes, but apart from searching, Google has plenty of tips and tricks that you should know.

11 Useful Google tips and Tricks you must know in 2021
11 Useful Google tips and tricks you must know in 2021| TechKnow World

So today in this article, we are going to talk about 20 such tips and tricks of Google which can be very useful to you, but you did not know about it. Now you will be able to use the Google search engine more efficiently.

Here, is the 11 tips and tricks of google:

1. Large numbers into Words in a second

If someone gives you a 10, 15 digit number and says tell this number in word, then for this you will start counting that number which will be time-consuming.

But if you write any number on Google, write equal to English, then Google will immediately tell you its result. eg 9876543212=English

Google tips and Tricks

2. Search movies efficiently without any spammy links

If you are interested in watching movies and whenever you search on Google, then you will have to search on many websites which also contain very spammy links and this process is irritating anywhere.

But now you can watch movies with a single click with the help of this Google Tips and Tricks. All you have to do is write the name of the movies on Google and next you have to write Google Drive. If anybody put that movie in Google drive, then you will be able to watch the movie with a single click. eg Iron Man google drive.

3. You can experience 'Windows 93'

Many of you may not even know about windows 93, but it is a very old operating system that you can use and experience.

For this, you do not have to do much, just search on Google, Windows 93, and click on the first result and you can now see the interface of Windows 93.

4. Google Mirror

You must have used Google in a simple and direct way, but you will not know about this feature of Google, which is a feature of Google Mirror.

To reverse Google, all you have to do is 'Google mirror search' and after that, your UI in Google will be turned upside down, which is a cool feature of Google.

Google tips and Tricks

5. PAC-MAN Doodle Game

If you spend a lot of time on your laptop or desktop and you want to take some time to get refreshed then you can take the support of this PAC-MAN Doodle Game.

For this, you just have to search Google, PAC-MAN Doodle Game, and you can do your entertainment by clicking on the first result that came.

6. Search with an image by Google

This feature of Google is quite interesting and you must know about it. You can use Search with an image by Google to extract information from any image.

For this, you have to go to Google, then go to the image, after that you will see an option to upload an image at the top. Upload the image you need for the information.

7. Google Keyword Suggestions

You can use Google Keyword Suggestions tricks for your keyword research or YouTuber. Whenever we do some search on Google, then some keyword suggestions come down below it, Google suggests itself keyword that has a higher search volume.

7. Chek flight status with just a click

Our next Google trick is for those people who travel a lot and keep using flights. You can easily check flight status with this amazing and interesting Google trick.

For this, all you have to do is go to Google and write the flight and write the name of the flight next to it. The status of that flight will appear in front of you.

Google tips and Tricks

8. Find Related Websites

You have a lot of favorite websites that you always keep open to get some information. You can find alternatives to your favorite websites with this Google trick, which will make your information pure and confirmed.

Also Read: 9 Useful G-mail tips and tricks in 2021.

To do this, you just have to go to Google and write related, that give a colon and write the name of your favorite website. eg Related: YouTube.com

9. Calculate your complex mathematical operations with a click

When you have to perform a complex mathematical operation, you will open a calculator on your computer or smartphone, which will be a little time-consuming.

But very few of you will know that Google search engine also works as a calculator, just write the operations as you write in the calculator and the result will come in front of you.

10. Find your device with google Trick

Many times our smartphone disappears or remains in the house itself, but cannot be found, then in such a way you can preach Google find my device. Also, you can access and delete your phone's data.

To do this, you just go to Google and search 'google find my device', just log in with your same G-mail account with which you had done on your smartphone.

11. Google search with filter

If you search too many articles on Google or you read too much Google News, then you can filter the time recording from them.

To do this, you will get the option of 'Tool' on the top of Google, in which you can fix the time fix with your Desire how much latest news you want to read.

All these Google tips and tricks are very minor but very powerful, which makes you very effective in the world of the internet. Hopefully, all these Google tips and tricks will prove to be very important in your everyday life.

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10 January 2021 at 00:57 ×

Love the movie hard drive search and a man doodle.

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