How to speed up computer and laptop performance | Best windows tips and tricks

 How to speed up computer and laptop performance | Best computer tips and tricks | TechKnow World

Nowadays every single person uses a laptop or computer and many people are not happy with the performance of their laptop or computer, that is, either their system hangs or works very slowly. Today we are going to talk about some Windows tips and tricks that will speed up the performance of your computer or laptop.

Best windows tips and tricks
Best windows tips and tricks | TechKnow World

When you take a new system, its performance is very good and as your computer becomes older, its performance gets worse. The biggest reason for your system or laptop to hang or slow is the files and folders in it. Here we will learn about such best settings of Windows, which will boost your system performance

Here, is some best windows tips and tricks that speed-up your performance.

1. Disable unwanted startup programs

You will often notice that when your computer starts up, it has some applications installed with it that automatically turn on even if those applications are not included. These applications are automatically started in the background, with application unusable load slowing down your system.

Follow these steps to disable unwanted applications startups.
  • Press ctrl+alt+delete on your keyboard. You are in task manager now.
  • Click on the Startup tab. You can see here those unwanted applications.
NOTE: You just disable the applications you know about. For example, do not disable antivirus or software applications, it can also cause harm to you.
  • After disabling it, it restarts your computer, and you're done.
After disabling all these unwanted applications, there will be less load on RAM and CPU and will boost the performance of your computer.

2. System Performance

With the help of system performance, you will definitely be able to do a little bit of enhancement of your computer or laptop performance.

Follow these steps to do so.
  • Go to the control panel and open it.
  • You will see there an option for the system, click on system.
  • Now, click on Advanced system settings.
  • Below the performance tab, you will get an option of settings again. Click on settings.
  • Now, select Adjust for best appearance.
  • Click on Apply and Okay.
3. Defragment and optimize drives.

With the help of defragmenting and optimize drives, you can improve the performance of the computer or laptop systems more. To do this, follow the steps given below.
  • Click the windows button and search for defragmenting and optimize drives.
  • Click and open defragmenting and optimize drives.
  • Select C drive and click on the optimize button.
  • Now, your device starts optimizing and it takes some to be complete.
It will optimize your c drive and make your overall system faster. This is one of the best windows tips to boost the performance of your system.

4. Delete Temporary files

You may have also seen many times that your laptop or computer system goes beyond many temporary files that you do not delete and due to which your computer or laptop also hangs.

In this case, you can further increase the performance of your computer or laptop by deleting these temporary files. Follow these steps to delete temporary files from your system.

  • Press Window+R and open run mode.
  • Type %temp% and press the enter button.
  • Now, it will open your all temporary files so you can select and delete them.
  • Again, open run mode.
  • Type Temp and press enter.
  • Again, delete all temporary files.
  • Now open run mode again and type prefetch and press enter.
  • Again, delete all unwanted files.
5. Disk Clean up

Many times, there are so many files or data left in your drive that you do not delete, that same unwanted data all make your computer or laptop slow and cause hang.

In such a situation, with the help of Disk Cleaner, you will be able to get such files and folders out of your drive in just a few seconds and this is the best tip for performance speedup of Windows.

Just follow these simple steps that are given below.
  • Open my computer.
  • Right-click on c drive and go to properties.
  • Here, you will get an option of disk cleanup below.
  • Click on the disk cleanup button.
  • Once it completed, click on the Cleanup system files button and you are done.
After implementing all these Windows Tips and Tricks once you restart your computer or laptop, after that, you will realize that there must have been some improvement in speed in your system or laptop.

I sincerely hope that you will benefit from these Windows Tips and Tricks and your system's performance boosted up. If after doing all these, your system performance is not boosted, then you should get a separate SSD for your computer or laptop.
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28 January 2021 at 00:25 ×

This is a very helpful article.

Congrats bro LiveTheDream you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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